
When water-sport recreation was emerging around 1950, the foundation was laid for what later would become the Rijpkema Shipyard, the now Nerushoek Shipyard. The then free point of land which pertruded out of the Terhernster Poelen was being prepared for ships to moor. At that time there were mainly small sailboats and the occasional motor boat. In comparison to now watersport recreation was very modest.

 Terherne around 1950, the arrow indicates where Nerushoek Shipyard is now located

In 1977 the port was bought by Towing company Rijpkema. Towing company Rijpkema grew rapidly and was in need of a location where maintenance and construction could be carried out. This resulted in the addition of a yard. The Rijpkem Shipyard was born. Over the years the yard has grown into a specialized company where many sailors and watersport companies came to make use of its services. Besides the construction and modernization of vessels there was also a great need for fine metal work and heavy construction work.

Over the years, it proved to be increasingly difficult to service both recreational and commercial vessels at the same location. Over a period of 10 years work was carried on the shipyard to make it more functional for recreational use. In 2002, the shipyard was taken over by Rijpkema Jacob, the son of Auke.

Work on larger commercial vessels was performed by Towing Rijpkema at a new location. The harbor and wharf were renamed Nerushoek Shipyard and focused on recreational and light commercial vessels. From that moment Nerushoek Shipyard has specialized in various disciplines and performs a wide variety of services.

Our 2nd to none, service, support and central location makes the Nerushoek Shipyard the logical choice for any boat enthusiast